September 8-10, 2023 

The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center

Highlands, North Carolina

The Qollasuyu September Gathering has occurred every year (except 2021) since 2010.  Following our original mission to promote and support workshops with Oscar Miro~Quesada in the Southeast, the Qollasuyu Council determined we also needed to create Council sponsored gatherings to bring the PMT mesa carriers and interested others together in beautiful surroundings to be in community and ceremony as a way to be together and practice the practices. 

This year we invite you to join us for:


CHANGE continues to happen as we move through so many transitions and tribulations: personal, communal, organizational, global and planetary.  Change is inevitable yet the current pace is faster, the voices louder and the path not always so clear.

Taking time to gather in community becomes not just important but also essential.

Who are we called to be as carriers of medicine for self and others in relationship with our Earth Mother and the Living Energy that animates forming and reforming in creative transformation through time and space?

"Life is a neverending quest for balance, beauty, and belongingness enriched by the befriending of our ultimate ground of Being."  Oscar Miro~Quesada

The September Gathering provides a time out of and within time

  • to rest 
  • to regather our energies 
  • to practice the practices
  • to clarify the next steps on our path.   

A momentous weekend to be together in ceremony as we embody ways of Being in relationship to one another, the ancient oak forest on The Mountain and the practices of our tradition.

                        "In community we pause, we open, we nourish, and we become."

                                    Yuria Celidwen

During this weekend we will be exploring the source, nature and practice of creativity ritualized through ceremony, small group sharing, personal time and play.

Your Conveners and Ceremonialists: Sanctioned Teachers, Long Time Mesa Carriers and other Wonderful People who comprise the Qollasuyu Council: Robin Harmon, David Jordan, Glenda Skelley, Joella Walker, Janet Harvey, Jenny Felder, Bonnie Knezo, Rebecca Meyers, and Philippe LePelch.

Why The Mountain?  This retreat center holds many cuentas/stories/energetic accounts. This is the place where Oscar Miro~Quesada held many of his initial apprenticeship series and subsequent weekends. The Center sits amid an ancient oak forest on top of Little Scaly Mountain (one of our initial regional apus). For many of us, the Mountain is a spiritual home.

The weekend begins on Friday with dinner at 6:00 pm and the Opening Ceremony at 8:00 PM

The weekend closes on Sunday after lunch (by 2:00 PM).

Mark the date and plan to join together with the Qollasuyu Council and the larger mesa community for a renewal of spirit and connection.

Cost of Lodging and Meals at The Mountain:

Double $220  ($234.85 with taxes)

Single  $340   ($362.95 with taxes)

Register at The Mountain !        Please register by August 18. 

Group limited to 40 participants

Go to https://www.themountainrlc.org and tap the "Registration Portal" button.

Cost of the Program: $65.00  payable to the Qollasuyu Council upon arrival at the event.

Please register your intent to attend by completing the form below.


After you register with The Mountain, you will receive additional information from the Qollasuyu Council about what to bring and other information.

Questions? Contact Janet Harvey at chacaruna@earthlink.net